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As a student and maker at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, I pride myself in my ability to think freely and to express my ideas in creative and descriptive ways. I have strong skills in CAD design and 3D modeling, and often bring my work to life using these platforms. I am no stranger to the world of engineering, and in my free time, I can often be found designing various tools and gadgets.



3D Printing

I am knowledgeable in various forms of 3D Printing technologies and their applications. Through my personal work, and my work through the University of Illinois MakerLab, I have gained experience in working with 3D printers as well as the software and hardware related to such technologies.

2012 - 2016

Unity High School

CNC Automation

In my personal time, I have gained experience with CNC automation technologies through the construction of various projects, including, but not limited to: a large format 3d printer, a low cost CNC router, and a CNC paste extrusion platform.

2016 - 2020

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


I am an amateur woodworker/carpenter. I am happy to spend time in a wood shop sawing and sanding away at a piece of lumber. I often use Etsy as an outlet to sell my creations.

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